Sugaring season 2025 is here
Pure maple syrup made on our farm in all size containers, from 50 ml nips to gallon size, in glass and sugarhill jugs. Pure maple sugar candy, granulated sugar, maple cream, maple jelly, and maple lollipops.
Strawberries, Blueberries, Raspberries, Apples, Rhubarb, Melons and more grown here without any chemical sprays or fertilizers. Seasonal availability found from June through October, at our farm market, and other local farmer's markets.
From Cosmos to Zinnias, Dahlias to Sunflowers and many other varieties, we offer in season cut flower bouquets and stems. Available in season July through October at our farm market, roadside stand, local farmer's markets we attend, or by special order. Garden plants for grow-your-own available in May. Classes and workshops offered in August and September.
Several types of tomatoes including hard to find flavorful varieties, squash, cucumbers, beans, peppers and even ground cherries and tomatillos. Sweet Wind Farm grows all your favorite summer veggies from A-Z! In the Autumnal season we offer all kinds of pumpkins and even popcorn. All grown without sprays or chemicals.
Wonderful aromatic culinary herbs like parsley, sage, basil, chives, cilantro, dill and mint and more. Fresh cut bunches, dried, and herbal vinegars
for your home kitchen.
Greenhouse grown vegetables, flowers and herbs as well as a variety of houseplants. Find something unique here or one of your favorite things to grow in your garden or home. Sales start in May.
From a variety of jams and jellies, maple granola, maple baked beans kits, to occasional baked goods, you can find wonderful homemade goodies here.
Occasionally we offer other local farm products to supplement what we grow and produce, such as local raw honey, potatoes, peaches and sweet corn. Offered in season only during our Saturday market days July-Oct. Support local farms today
so we exist tomorrow!